
◌ My personal resources, rabbit holes & reads.

Clarice Lispector

â–¶ Augua Viva

The Disheveled Dictionary

â–¶ Archive

A book covering symbols and their meanings

â–¶ Book of Symbols

An alternative for Pinterest


One of my all time favorite artists, Stanislaw Szukalski

â–¶ Szukalski

A Japanese photographer from which I have borrowed for most of the images on my website.

â–¶ Yamamato Masao Archive

Argentinian artist who makes unique animations with strange methods.

â–¶ Mariano Ramis

Epub/txt/pdf resource

â–¶ Project gutenberg

Osman spare biography

â–¶ Osman Spare

The valley of the æther

▶ æther

A writing by jung that speaks of the troubles of modern society alongside the soul.

â–¶ Modern Man In Search of a Soul