welcome, to the log
3.21.25Thoughts on sewing, returning books, and soft white linen
Took a long walk through the neighborhood today, the color is starting to go fresh through the trees. Writing has gone well this month, and I have made a lot of progress in my daily life. I'm finding mysef drinking more coffee again.
Seen Fire Walk With Me in theatres last night, still just as uncomfortable to watch as the first I saw it. The white horse in the room, Laura Palmers face in red, and the red curtains of the lodge.
Nostalgia colors the days in March and April, spring is rushing fourth. I'm finding time to write everyday. I hope to submit to the patterns of age, and press through the rituals with dignity. Recently I picked up a Han Kang book and some other classics (The Waves and Jane Eyre). I have also been reading Clarice Lispector, whom I only just found and I have fallen in love with her writing, though sometimes it can be a bit overworked. Thoughts of traveling, writing without pause, and slow mornings.
Watching classic animation truly helps you realize how far we have fallen with the digital revolution
I'm pondering on the best way to visually present my writing/stories. Thoughts on a minimalistic zine or, interactive work?
My recent days have been spent writing, drinking tea, and watching films. I'm back to sketching with pencil as well. Simple tools are always nice to return to.
I have been updating my website quite much in the last few weeks, as I have been writing a lot. I hope this will continue, it seems that it will. I have also made a lot more progress on the short story and it is now in its second editing stage. I am also working on a game right now so my days are getting busier. I have started to use a planner (Hobonichi Techo) after thinking a lot on it, and that has helped a lot with daily regulation of my projects, including this website.
The writing tool is indeed as good as expected. I also saw carrie in theatres tonight, it's a simply good classic film. I hope to publish more for the short story in the coming days.
Indulged in a somewhat luxurious writing tool, am hoping to test it out tomorrow. We shall see.
Feeling quite excited for the future, I am happy my writing has found a place here. I think the projects I am working on this year will prove to be very fruitful in time.
I have uploaded the first chapter of my short story to the site and it is now located under the papers page I will continue to update this short story as much as I can, I hope you enjoy reading it. You can also find it here, another place I made for this short story, simply to have another web version outside of a simple PDF. I hope to make a better layout specifically for these stories but, this will have to do for now.
There has been much progress on the short story I previously mentioned. I hope to keep it honest, but I suppose the only way I will improve upon it is to publish it little by little. I'm putting out many words a day, but I am a terrible editor and so that will also take a moment of time. I hope for a bit of patience from those few that might be interested in reading it. Thank you.
I have been doing a lot of writing over these last few months, and so in an attempt to put it all somewhere I have decided to publish some short writing to this website. I'll possibly place them in their own category, though I am not yet sure how to label them.
I've been hit with a soft and subtle loss of motivation these past days. Simply wish things were as they were.
How I wish to be transported to a time where all was simple.
More and more I understand the importance of analog mediums, and the temporary nature of the digital world. I say this with the understanding that all of my writing is placed digitally here, in some archive of my own making. That said, there is nothing better than writing with your own hands, the words that float through your head, or visualizing the images seen in your dreams in the real world. Smudges and strokes of pens bleed through the paper and I feel a minute last forever, like an age of meditation, simplicity is beautiful.
I have started to use Hobonichi Techo at last, a very tiny planner that I can carry around throughout the day and multitask with. I may possibly make a section on this website for showing the tools I use consistently- one day. I must say I really love the pages and how thin they are, I'm reminded a bit of those thin bible pages. I'm aware that it's not popular to like thin pages where you can see your handwriting through the back of the page, but something about it makes the experience feel more personal and much less intimidating for me.
I am convinced Elizabeth Fraser was some sort of god or something.
Academia has never been for me, I have never lasted long as a student of specific guideline, and routine kills the spirit within me. I understand that this method of learning works best for others, but I feel myself slipping into a terribly rigid condition with each lesson attended. There are more important truths to be found in the wild, on a journey only known by the self.
🜊 1.12.25
I have been thinking more about writing projects and how fulfilling it would be to start one, and release it to the small public of people who might be interested. I do wonder where my writing could fit, and what kind of form it would take for others to digest, but i'm sure that will be worked out over time. I also have thoughts about the possibility of getting a device specifically for writing, as writing on a laptop feels quite disgusting actually. I'm not sure what it is about the experience that is so uninspiring compared to writing with a pen and paper, but there is much to be desired there. That said the prices of some of these writing devices are absolutely ridiculous. For now I will stick with the same as I always do, simple tools for simple things, but possibly I will make the leap to something specifically for writing one day.
🝒 12.14.24
The sun hardly shines. I'm finding it hard to muster up inspiration or, fight back against monotony and boredom. These days feel like those days from before, the bad ones, and I can't fall into that pattern. I feel like an alien in this place, i'm slowly learning what settling means, and what it feels like to truly miss memories. Now I sit and wait for that feeling to come back again, the feeling that anything can happen. Small joys have become my primary focus, I feel a great change coming.
🝝 12.8.24
Currently starting up on a new project, things have gone well so far. Rewatched Paris, Texas as well, and upon the second watch it has only gotten more beautiful.
🜦 11.27.24
Working on this project has been nice but, I think now I'd like to work on something with only me and him. I think we work better together, and the ideas mesh much better than with a team. I'd never gotten a chance to work in a position like this one so, I suppose it's also been a really good opportunity to grow. I'm thinking back to the old days now, days where I was inspired to do things, days where I was motivated to change. I can't live in this stage of normalcy forever.
🜦 11.26.24
I'm back home. I'd forgotten how nice it was to be in that place, where the sun shines a little, and the people all talk my language. It made me a little fearful of the future on the long ride home. Either way now I'd like to change things and I have a nice plan for it, I simply have to take it quite seriously. The cold crept in like nothing before and I felt ashamed that I was so out of place. Now only time remains to tell what might be true. Fate is strange and always on time, at least in my life. I can't believe those signs are simply coincedences, I hardly believe in coincedence. Cold hard winter is crawling up the hill, and I dream of the that old place.
🜩 11.15.24
I'll be traveling in a couple days, it'll be nice to get a break and feel autumn elsewhere. My breakfast: Turkey bacon, 2 eggs and an iced coffee. I'm hoping the time will pass faster, and that the days only get brighter. There is much to do, and there are many changes ahead.
🜦 11.13.24
These last days have been spent working on a game and the typical courses. I find myself with a lack of energy and a big supply of melancholy. I think back to how it used to be and how much I wish for things not to return to those times. Maybe it's the winter that comes crawling back to make me feel this way.
🜝 10.24.24
It's been a few weeks since my last entry here, I have bit a little busy. Language courses and design projects have me a bit exhausted by the time I'm finished with them. After some thought I have also decided to formally study design, which is decently exciting. I hope for many interesting things to happen in the future.
I've started to develop a system of working with projects and ideas, which I think is really good. Autumn is the most beautiful season and it sinks into me, all around me in everything I see. Each morning the mist piles up over the lake and I drive right past it as if I'm traveling through ghosts. I do love the fall.
🜼 10.3.24
The cold is going around. My throat started to tickle and ache yesterday morning and I remembered how long it had been since I had the cold. Now i'm sitting at my laptop with some hot tea praying it will go away during the weekend. I live in a cold place, it doesn't help my senses much to go out in the cold everyday. I killed off an entire pack of coughdrops within a couple hours, I know what my weekend will look like. On another note I am learning adobe illustrator, I have put it off for a while but it's starting to grow on me. Language learning is also going well, i'd say iæm currently about A2 level of a language I won't disclose. Things wouldn't be so bad right now if it wasn't for the burn in my throat.
⧲ 9.20.24
I am currently working on a small booklet of compiled works, both illustration and writing. I'm also seeking out some good stationary options (japanese gel pens/fountain pens).
⧲ 9.20.24
I am deathly afraid of bees, and so summer is tragic for me. The warmth of summer is another tragic thing, as I have had more than enough sunny days in my life. For those born in the desert, the heat threads your discomfort and irritation into a new emotion, not yet named by the people of earth. Now I write in the newly broken in journal, about losing my dreams and reading A Pale View of The Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro. There's a potato baking in the oven, and I listen to visual essays about archetypes. All will be well if the door isn't open to the bees.
✹ 9.17.24
My morning has been taken up by thoughts of wish bones and reading about them. I had the thought, while lying in my bed, that the wishbone might be one of the few symbols in our collective subconscious that have yet to be tainted. I think the wishbone is sacred, as its simple ritual has passed from culture to culture. Upon looking deeper into the wishbone, I found information about the Etruscans.
The Etruscans were a civilization of people who were deeply connected to birds and would practice augury (the interpretation of the movements and actions of birds) as well as other spiritual practices. I think about these things—about the rituals of the world and how they have swum through the bloodstream of many.
Just as I write this, the church bell rings near my home. As I am superstitious, I will take this as a sign to continue my light research on these rituals and what mysteries might lie within them.
🙪 4.16.24
It has been some time since I have updated my logs page and so I am back to provide some updated information on what I'm working on, how things are for me right now. Thinking more of rituals recently, I am seeking to create something that shines light on that aspect of our lives, the mundane practices that build the habit of living.
Spring is suddenly creeping around the corner, the sight of ferns unraveling hint at the coming days. I have also recently seen the film Picnic, which was a pleasant surprise, a gem in hiding. Like most Shunji Iwai films, there is that ethereal haze over the editing and filming, I really haven't seen any better than him.
I think that is all that comes to mind right now, farewell.
† 2.9.24
Upon watching Poor Things I was sorely disappointed in the majoirty of the film. The same cookie cutter structure of social commentary overlayed with some elements of shock factor and it was not entirely surprising that the film was so well recieved.
The only things I might say are redeemable about it was the use of old vintage lenses.
On another note I have started using Obsidian to sort through my ideas and research lately. I had forgotten how useful it was.
I have decided to take on a new project, though I hesitate to say too much of it all now. I always have done my best under the pressure of hiding secrets. I believe it will be a nice addition to the website once I figure out where this project should lie. Like most of the work on my website it will be based around my writing.
Today I picked back up my mending project as well and it was semi-sucessful. With time, I think it will become something i'm capable of doing without worrying about the perfection of it all.
⏥ 1.27.24
Finally, the time has come to start writing and stretching out my bones again. That mysterious illness has ceased for now, the pain has almost entirely gone away but things must be different from now on. I will continue to write and update the journal as much as I can, I'm liking how the site is coming together and I might keep this version of it for a while. cheers.
▓ 1.22.24
Illness continues, moving in strange and specific ways I can not express in words. There is only hope for the spring now, hope that the cycle will soon cease.
Til the days are warm again, I suppose I’ll find my way along the lightweight painkillers.
Tomorrow, I’ll write again, a full three pages of something, I don’t yet know what. Nevertheless, wallowing in my rot hasn’t proved to soothe the ache.
Within the last few days, I have struggled to continue moving with my creative work for various reasons. I'm still finding myself in strange dreams and maybe as a result of a current dilemma i'm having. I do hope that I'll find the energy to return to writing soon.
My hand is thoroughly f*cked. I have decided to take a small break from writing as I have been writing 3 pages a day for some 6 or so weeks.That routine has proved to bring a lot of peace to my day and dig out all of of the thoughts hiding in my head. I think writing can be converted into a strange motion of pureness, so long as you keep that thread of truth inside it.
It might be some issue with smaller wrists, bending it constantly to write longhand, i'm quite exhausted from it. Alongside all of the other work I do with my hands which I have also decided to take at least one weeks hiatus from.
It can be quite hard for me to stop all outlets at once but given the pain i'll say it's required as of now. Above is an image of me driving through my village.